Fiche bibliographique n° 1019

Titre Composite Design Manual
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Auteur MARSKE, Jim
Année de publication 2009
Langue anglais
Nombre de pages 80
Résumé Well known for his work with numerous full size tailless sailplanes, including the Pioneer and Monarch series and the Genesis, Jim Marske is also a supplier of Graphlite Carbon Rod to amateur aircraft builders. In 2009, Jim published this book which includes using Graphlite products for wing spar caps, complete with all of the necessary calculations for determining how much material is needed to sustain given loads. This volume goes even further than expounding on Graphlite products and their application. It describes not only the various wing and spar design calculations, but plug and mold making, wing attachment methods, and the use of composite materials
in rib construction. It essentially documents Jim’s more than 50 years of experience working with composites.
Genre Techniques et Construction
Où le trouver ?Marske Aircraft

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Fiche n° 1019 [Dernière mise à jour : 2016-08-24]