Fiche bibliographique n° 143

Titre Tackle gliding this way
Sous-titre --
Sous-titre --
Collection --
Auteur SIMPSON, John E.
Année de publication 1961
Langue anglais
ÉditeurStanley Paul
Format13x19 cm
Nombre de pages 128
Sommaire 1. The sport of gliding.
- Introduction.
- Gliding clubs.
- Getting into the air.
- Types of glider.
- Safety and cost.
- How a glider flies.
- Performance figures.
- Laminar flow.

2. The aircraft.
- Detail of wings, fuselage and controls.
- Instruments.
- Barographs.
- Oxygen.
- Parachutes.
- Trailers.
- Building a glider.
- Making of "Min".

3. Fist flying lessons.
- Air experience.
- Cockpit check.
- Effect of controls.
- Flying straignt and level.
- medium turns.
- Stalls.
- Spins.

4. Up to solo.
- Car launch.
- Cable breaks.
- Approach planning.
- Landing.
- Effect of wind.
- Bungey-launch.
- Aero-tow.
- Solo flying.
- Gliding certificates.
- Air Law.

5. Gliding weather.
- Good gliding weather.
- Air-masses.
- Inversions.
- Cumulus clouds.
- Fronts.
- Weather map.
- Anticyclones.
- Depressions.
- Wind-Speed Table.
- Using forecasts.

6. How to stay up.
- Hill-soaring.
- Thermal soaring.
- Wave-soaring.
- Other types of lift.

7. First cross-country flights.
- Local soaring.
- Silver C distance.
- Maps.
- Landing in fields.
- After landing.
- International badge tests.

8. More advanced flying.
- Aerobatics.
- Instrument flying.
- Cumulonimbus clouds.
- Ice formation.
- Competitions.
- How to go fast across country.

Gliding records.
Mots clés#
Possesseur(s)Jean-Marie M.
Version numériqueCliquez ici [Source du fac-similé : Wally Kahn & BGA UK eBook Collection]

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