Fiche bibliographique n° 161

Titre German Air Attaché
Sous-titre The Thrilling Story of th German Ace Pilot and Wartime Diplomat Peter Riedel
Sous-titre --
Collection --
Auteur SIMONS, Martin
Année de publication 1997
Langue anglais
ÉditeurAirlife Publishing Ltd
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Les éditions Airlife ont été rachetées en 2003 par "The Crowood Press" :
The Stable Block, Crowood Lane
Ramsbury Wiltshire SN8 2HR
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Code ISBN9 781853 108792
Format16.5x24 cm
Nombre de pages 271
Sommaire Introduction : How this book came to be written.
Chap. 1 Interview with the General.
Chap. 2 And Now the Admiral.
Chap. 3 Cloud Flying to Washington.
Chap. 4 The Führer Calls the Tune.
Chap. 5 Gaining Intelligence.
Chap. 6 The Crossing of Watersheds.
Chap. 7 All the News that's Fit to File.
Chap. 8 The Sleeper Wakes to Nightmare.
Chap. 9 Invasion of the USSR.
Chap.10 Honeymoon With the FBI.
Chap.11 Winter of Discontent, Greenbriar Spring.
Chap.12 Return to Germany.
Chap.13 Defeatism.
Chap.14 Old Friends, New Despair.
Chap.15 Heinkel's Mankiller.
Chap.16 Stockholm Spies.
Chap.17 The Final Solution.
Chap.18 A Letter to America.
Chap.19 Hanna Amidst the Ruins.
Chap.20 Treachery.
Chap.21 Boat People.
Chap.22 Casablanca Interrogation.
Chap.23 Guilty Until Proved Guilty.
Chap.24 The Gracie Blue.
Possesseur(s)Jean-Marie M. & Andreas A.

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