Fiche bibliographique n° 225

Titre Fundamentals of Sailplane Design
Sous-titre --
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Auteur THOMAS, Fred
Année de publication 1993
Édition 3e édition
Langue anglais
ÉditeurCollege Park Press
PO Box 143
College Park
Format23,8 x 27,3 cm
Nombre de pages 274
Titre originalGrundlagen für den Entwurf von Segelflugzeugen
Traduit deallemand
TraducteurMilgram, Judah
Sommaire * Basic Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics: Fluid dynamics and the sailplane - Airfoil and wing theory - Performance and handling qualities - Aeroelasticity
* Design Requirements: Certification requirements - JAR-22 - Cross country theory - Thermal models and climb performance
* Sailplane Design Optimization: Basic considerations - Wing design - Variable geometry - Flying wings - The World Class
* Fuselage and wing-fuselage transition - Empennage and controls
* Determination of Performance and Handling Characteristics: Theoretical methods - Experimental methods
* Trends in Sailplane Development: Sailplane class definitions - Early glider designs - Sailplane development to date - Outlook
* Appendices: Tabulated design data and three-view drawings - "Zacher" flight test protocol - German-English glossary of technical terms
Résumé The definitive text on sailplane design by Fred Thomas, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany). Covers the basics of sailplane design, including aerodynamics and flight mechanics, operational and regulatory requirements, aerodynamic design optimization, wind tunnel and flight test procedures, and historical outlook. Appendix with extensive collection of detailed design data and 3-view drawings for over 150 sailplanes, including both vintage gliders and modern sailplanes.
Genre Techniques et Construction
Possesseur(s)Andreas A.
Où le trouver ?Cumulus Soaring Inc. (Paul E. Remde)
Knauff & Grove
Remarques Édition originale en allemand de 1989.

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Fiche n° 225 [Dernière mise à jour : 0000-00-00]