Fiche bibliographique n° 397

Titre Gliding: From Passenger to Pilot
Sous-titre --
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Auteur LONGLAND, Steven
Année de publication 2001
Langue anglais
Format189 mm x 246 mm
Nombre de pages 184
Sommaire Introduction
The early days
The modern gliding club
How gliders work
Methods of launch
What's in the cockpit ?
Gliding basics
The instruction
Preparation for flight
The flight exercises
Glider performance
Cross country flying
Owning your own glider
Competitive flying
Useful information
Résumé Gliding is for everyone who has ever dreamt of escaping to thousands of feet above the ground, with a view stretching to the horizon, and barely a whisper to disturb the moment. Written by an experienced instructor, this book guides you through how to realize that dream, and goes on to explore the many opportunities this compelling and beautiful sport offers.
Où le trouver ?Cumulus Soaring Inc. (Paul E. Remde)
Prix26 $
Remarques 154 photos N&B et 8 couleur.
Extraits sur le site Wally Kahn & BGA UK eBook Collection.

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Planeurs cités

Pas de planeur référencé

Fiche n° 397 [Dernière mise à jour : 2009-12-01]