Fiche bibliographique n° 412

Titre Safer Soaring ...Made Easy !
Sous-titre --
Sous-titre --
Collection Gliding ...Made Easy
Auteur WANDER, Bob
Année de publication 2005
Édition 3e édition
Langue anglais
ÉditeurBob Wander's Soaring books and supplies
PO Box 17250
MN 55417
Tél : (952)920-1804(800)660-0238
Contact :
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Nombre de pages 72
Sommaire Soaring, speculations & aeronautical decision-making
Preparing your glider for flight : the big three
Kiting above the towplane during aerotow launch
Aerotow launch failure, flight training and emergency action plans
The effects of sinking airmass on glider performance and the role of sinking airmass in gliding accidents
Spin training
Forward slips, side slips, and turning slips
Landing glider safely :serial task or parallel task ?
The "traffic pattern"
Getting the most from your recurrent training
For further reading
Résumé Personal preparation, assembly and preflight preparation, launch and climbout, free flight, and approaches and landings are all covered. Covers the common causes of the large majority of serious accidents and shows you how to help yourself, and help your soaring friends, to avoid them.
Genre Techniques et Construction
Où le trouver ?Chez l'éditeur
Cumulus Soaring, Inc.
Knauff & Grove :
Prix15 $

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Fiche n° 412 [Dernière mise à jour : 2009-12-01]