Fiche bibliographique n° 498

Titre Zweefvliegen in Vlaanderen
Sous-titre Een fascinerend avontuur in stillte
Sous-titre --
Collection --
Auteur SCHMELZER, Bert Sr.
Année de publication 2010
Langue hollandais
Nombre de pages 354
Résumé Belgium (and Flanders) has a special place in gliding history as, due to it’s geographical situation right in between the great gliding countries Germany, Britain, France and The Netherlands, has always been influenced by these leading countries, and this from the early days on. So many historic gliders of these countries were imported in our country. But one should not forget that [in 1925] the Belgians were also world-champion duration [pilots] with their own pre-war glider-designs. Many gliding-pioneers, like Robert Kronfeld and Wolf Hirth, came to our country to perform gliding demonstrations in the 1930’s that inspired the gliding movement in Belgium and Flanders. Eventually even after the war we were not performing so badly as a small gliding community with Bert Zegels as a vice-world champion in the open class in 1974 for example. In the book also an article [has been included] about the VGC-rally of 1990, which took place in Belgium at the airfield of Keiheuvel.
Genre Histoire
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Fiche n° 498 [Dernière mise à jour : 2010-10-02]