Fiche bibliographique n° 718

Titre Performance inhancement of modern sailplanes
Sous-titre --
Sous-titre --
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Auteur MASAK, Peter C.
Année de publication 1991
Langue anglais
Format22 x 29 cm
Nombre de pages 36
Résumé In 1991, Peter Masak produced a booklet titled Performance Enhancement of Modern Sailplanes which described not just the theory, but the art of performance modifications, including winglets. In it, he credited Dick Johnson, Wil Schuemann, George B. Moffat, Jr. and Richard Schreder for their pioneering work that inspired him.
Despite the wealth of information available on the science of aerodinamics, only bits and pieces of knowledge are available related to the 'art'. This booklet is an attempt to help unravel some of the mysteries of the performance enhancement techniques that some of the more succesful competition soaring pilots have used to help them win.
Genre Techniques et Construction
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Fiche n° 718 [Dernière mise à jour : 2013-03-17]