Fiche bibliographique n° 813

Titre The problem of manflight
Sous-titre --
Sous-titre --
Collection --
Auteur MEANS, James
Année de publication 1894
Langue anglais
ÉditeurW. B. Clarke and Co.
340 Washington Street
Format 9 x 5¾ inches
Nombre de pages 20
Résumé Full-scale gliding began with Otto Lilienthal, whose daring glides offered inspiring evidence that mechanical flight was possible. This early publication features Lilienthal on the cover and was part of the small aeronautical library that the Wrights assembled in the years before they actively took up the problem of flight. Written by a wealthy American manufacturer, James Means, this work presents the great Lilienthal as a model to emulate and seeks to encourage others to follow his lead.
Genre Techniques et Construction
Mots clés#
Version numériqueCliquez ici [Source du fac-similé : Archive]
Remarques Ce fascicule a été repris par son auteur dans Aeronautical Annual 1895.
Means was a Boston industrialist-turned-aviation promoter. His three Aeronautical Annuals, published from 1895 onwards, gathered together the most significant papers he could find on aeronautics, including the works of Hargrave, Lilienthal, Chanute, Langley, and many others. The present pamphlet shows Means' grasp of lift and aerodynamics, and closes with the line, "Aerial transit will be accomplished because the air is a solid if you hit it hard enough."

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Fiche n° 813 [Dernière mise à jour : 2013-04-24]