Fiche bibliographique n° 885

Titre Playground in the sky
Sous-titre The art and joys of gliding
Sous-titre --
Collection --
Auteur GOTCH, A. F. Bill
Année de publication 1955
Langue anglais
Nombre de pages 164
Sommaire Introduction
Chapter i Flying Without an Engine
ii Getting into the Air
m The Adventure of Being Airborne
iv Cross-country Flying
v The Instruments, Controls, and Cockpit Equipment
vi Clouds and Cloud Flying
vii Flying with an Engine
vm Aerobatics
ix What Makes an Aircraft Fly
x Gliding Clubs
i The British Gliding Association Clubs
ii Association of British Aero Clubs and Centres Ltd., Member Clubs
m Tests for Gliding Certificates and Badges
iv The Private Pilot's Licence
v Recent Modifications to C. of A. Regulations
vi Books recommended
Genre Techniques et Construction
Mots clés#
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Fiche n° 885 [Dernière mise à jour : 2013-12-21]