Année du premier vol (ou de design, si seul projet) |
1953 |
Pays | Autriche |
Designer(s) | HÜTTER, Wolfgang & HÄNLE, Eugen |
Premier constructeur | |
Type d'appareil | Planeur |
Fonction | Entraînement |
Envergure | 9.96 m |
Longueur | 5.18 m |
Hauteur | -- |
Allongement | 10.5 |
Surface alaire | 9.47 m2 |
Profil aile | Emplanture Göttingen 535, saumon NACA M6 |
Masse à vide | 110 kg |
Masse maxi | 210 kg |
Charge alaire | 22.2 kg/m2 |
Vitesse mini | -- |
Vitesse maxi | -- |
Finesse maxi | 18 à 73 km/h |
Taux de chute mini | 0.98 m/s à 56 km/h |
Nb sièges | 1 |
Structure | Bois et toile |
Constructeur(s) |
| ||||||
Infos techniques | Cockpit fermé et envergure un peu plus grande que la première version H-17 A. | ||||||
Histoire résumée | Planeur école fabriqué sous différente forme pendant plus de vingt ans et connu dans le monde entier. Provient d'une construction amateure. On a fabriqué à peu près 200 H17 et 10 H17b. Premier vol du prototype H17 en septembre 1934 et du H17b en février 1953. The Hütter 17 was the first sailplane designed by Wolfgang and Ulrich Hütter in 1934. As college students, the goal was to build a small and manueverable sailplane to be flown in the Alps near Salzburg, Austria, where they were going to school at the time. The design goal was for a 17:1 glide ratio (hence the design’s name) and the overall design is similar to other sailplanes of that era such as the Grunau Baby, Schempp-Hirth Wolf and a number of others and used a high, strut braced wing pylon mounted onto a hexagonal box cross section fuselage. The airfoil was the commonly used Göttingen 535, a fairly thick (16%), high cambered (5.75%) airfoil, which was also used on the Grunau Baby and Wolf. Performance was found to be quite good and the brothers went onto sell plans with many Hü 17s being built throughout Europe.Not long afterwards,the Hütter brothers went to Germany and worked for Schempp-Hirth, having a part in the design of the Göppingen 5(a further development of the Hü 17 witha main wheel and windscreen) of which five were built, the Minimoa, Govier, the Hü 28 and later Hü 30, both continuingwith the small, light and manueverable design criteria. After World War II, the update Hütter 17b was developed and plans sold. This version had an enclosed cockpit and slightly greater wingspan/area. | ||||||
Plans | * Liasse de plans dessinés par W. Hütter et E. Hänle disponibles à l'IG Albatross ( ; contact : | ||||||
Liens personnalités | HÜTTER, Ulrich (Autriche) HÜTTER, Wolfgang (Autriche) | ||||||
Exemplaires existants |
Liens WEB | Site : Radio Controled Soaring Digest . Monographie d'un H-17 A. (2010-03-01 CL) Site : UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group's . Göttingen 535 airfoil. (2010-04-19 JM) Site : UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group's . Göttingen 535 fichier DAT. (2010-04-19 JM) Site : UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group's . NACA/Munk M-6 airfoil. (2010-04-19 JM) Site : UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group's . NACA/Munk M-6 fichier DAT. (2010-04-19 JM) |
Livres | Deutsche Segelflugzeuge par ZUERL, Hubert (1954) [p. 9. Note + plan 3 vues + specs]. Luftfahrzeugbau in Österreich par KEIMEL, Reinhard (2003) [p. 127, V. Note + 2 photos + plan 3 vues + specs]. Segelflugzeug Geschichten par SELINGER, Peter F. (2004) [p. 54-55. Texte + 2 photos + specs]. The world's sailplanes par OSTIV (1958) [p. 14. Photo + 3-vues + specs + description]. |
Autres sources | Hütter 17, the difference beetween A and B, VGC News n° 119 (winter 2006) p 46-47, texte + 3 photos + plan 3 vues. |
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