Infos de Bernhard GYSEL (CH) [2020-06-28]
Propriété du SG Aarau de 1969 à 1979, année à laquelle il fut vendu. On ne sait pas encore ce qu'il est devenu...
"I got a short confirmation from the owner, my brother Peter Gysel, of that foto with the T-53 over the Wallis, Münster. He was presiding the Soaring Club SG Aarau in that time, we went together to Kirbymoorside in Yorkshire for a short visit of the workshop place of Slingsby, July 1969 before the club procured it. According to my flight log book, the HB-945 was procured in summer 1969, last flights made in summer 1979. Then sold. We used it for basic and progressive training, even for instrument flying."